Image Based Census for Animals

less than 1 minute read


  • Create a software to detect animals in pictures and then identify separate individuals of the same species.
  • Focusing mainly on Chital (Spotted Deer), create a dataset for the animals and then run software over it.


The aim is to help forest officials to take a census using images from motion trap cameras.


  • Break up task into four steps:
    • Creating a dataset
    • Detection of animals in image
    • Identification of individual
    • Logging entry into database
  • Study relevant courses and topics like CS231n, PyTorch, etc.
  • Explore all previous work done in this field, look for resources that might aid the process.
  • Compare current detection algorithms and modify them to adapt to Chital.
  • Create an identification software that uses the individuals' spot patterns to distinguish them using neural networks.
  • Finally, package the software into a presentable media/format.


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